- Open to everyone
- Encourage the Â
 contribution to open
Open Source
- Source code is available to general public
- Free of charge
- Control: Â Examine the code
- Security:Â Spot and correct errors or omissions
- Stability:Â Continue working on the project even if the creators stopped
- Training:Â Study and make better software
Git & GitHub Desktop Workshop
Had you ever experienced these?
Group Project
Individual Project
- Open source hosting platform
- Cloud for code
- Using Git
What is Git?
What is Version Control System (VCS)?
- The most popular version control system
- No specific framework or language to use Git
- Created by Linus Torvalds on 2005 (Creator of Linux Kernel)
- System which helps us to manage project's files
- Track changes in computer files
Why learn Git?
- History
- Collaboration
- Industry Standard
- Keep track of all changes we made
- Take "snapshots" of your files
- Able to look back and revert changes
- Avoid overriding of code
- Help us to merge different source code
- More productive
- Implementing multiple tasks
- Can continue your progress while waiting for other developers
Industry Standard
- More attractive to employers
- Evaluate candidates based on existing projects or activity on GitHub
- Showcasing work/portfolio
GitHub Flow
GitHub Flow: Create a Branch
- Environment to test out different ideas or features
- Changes made on feature branch do not affect the master branch
GitHub Flow: Add Commits
- Add commits to branch after making changes
- Commit keeps track of the progress/history
- Commit message: explain particular changes made
GitHub Flow: Open a Pull Request
- Open a pull request to the master branch
- Able to see the changes would be merged before accepting
GitHub Flow: Discuss and Review
- Reviewers may have questions or comments
- Coding style, bugs
- You can fix it in your branch and push up the changes
GitHub Flow: Merge and Deploy
- If all good, accept the pull request
- Changes will be merged into master branch
- And finally deploy the merged branch
The first 50,000 participants who successfully complete the challenge will earn a LIMITED EDITION T-shirt!!!
Participation Rules
- Register at HacktoberFest website with your GitHub account
- Make 4 pull requests between October 1-31
- Any public repositories on GitHub